

Upcoming Affordable Housing Workshop

“A Roof for Everyone"

A GVAT Mini-Workshop on the Saanich Housing Crisis.

Sat. Feb. 26, 2022, 1 - 3:30 pm; Holy Cross Parish Hall, 4049 Gordon Head Road

Every day, we read about the housing crisis in Greater Victoria. Rental rates are now the highest in Canada, just after Vancouver and Toronto. The housing supply is so tight that even median- income households can face homelessness, if required to move. “Saanich family soon to be homeless due to rental competition, unaffordability” (CBC News, Feb. 5, 2022) tells the story of a Saanich family of four in danger of becoming homeless for the first time in their lives, despite making just above the median income of a family in Saanich. What can we do as concerned citizens?

We are inviting you to attend a GVAT (Greater Victoria Acting Together) mini-workshop on housing in Saanich, organized by Holy Cross, St. Patrick’s, Broad View United and First Unitarian Churches (all member associations of GVAT), on Feb. 26. 

The workshop is mainly for residents of Saanich and is intended to:

  • inform participants of the gap between current and projected housing needs in Saanich, and the available housing supply;

  • dispel biases and misconceptions against renters and residents of social housing;

  • invite participants to imagine truly inclusive communities (sharing space with others);

  • create understanding of different Housing terms (market, affordable, social, supportive, emergency).

Saanich Councillor Zac de Vries will give a presentation on Saanich housing needs and how Saanich Council plans to address these needs. A Q & A period will follow, after which participants will divide into small groups to discuss different questions related to housing and inclusive neighbourhoods. The workshop will conclude with suggestions for follow-up actions.

Due to pandemic health measures and the interactive nature of the workshop, the number of participants is limited to 40. We will be checking for proof of vaccination at the door and taking all precautions to keep participants safe. To sign up (or for more information), please contact Yvonne Hsieh (email:

The housing affordability crisis seems to be getting worse each year. This is an issue we should all be concerned about. Come to this workshop to find out what you can do to help. 

Training and Resources

IAF Training Podcast: Listen, Organize, Act

In his new podcast, “Listen, Organize, Act!” Luke Bretherton steps back from his usual role as the expert to share the stories, tactics and strategies of community organizers.

The podcast, which he describes as “a 101 course” in community organizing, was developed in collaboration with the Industrial Areas Foundation and features conversations with people who have on-the-ground experience.