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Moose Hide Campaign Day

Moose Hide Campaign Day is a National Day of Action to End Gender Based Violence by Creating Safer Communities. Started in 2013 by co-founders Raven and Paul Lacerte of the Carrier Nation, the event is designed to mobilize all communities in efforts to prevent and address the causes of violence against women, girls and two spirit people across Canada. Raven is married to Dominic Paul, W̱SÁNEĆ territory of Vancouver Island. They live in Victoria BC with their two daughters Cedar and Chas. In the words of the organizers, "The journey of reconciliation is an ongoing process that we warmly invite all Canadian to participate in."  

For more information about the campaign, the in person or virtual events on May 11, 2023 you can go to this link Moose Hide Campaign | An Indigenous led grassroots movement to end gender-based violence For anyone in GVAT who is challenged to find ways to connect with local Indigenous communities, this annual event is a great opportunity to build relationships as well as to work locally on reconciliation. 

The calendar of events for the day Campaign Day | Moose Hide Campaign includes free in-person and on-line workshops focused on stories of healing and change (please register here Campaign Day General Registration | Moose Hide Campaign,  then a Walk to End Violence (between 12- 1pm in Victoria BC - also livestreamed),  optional fasting (to add intention to our participation), a Sunrise Ceremony/Fast Breaking Ceremonies and finally a Community Feast. 

You can support the event in many ways including attending yourself, ordering, distributing and wearing the Moose Hide pin to provoke conversations, organize a local event in your community and sphere of influence, donating in any amount to ensure the success of the event.


How does this event relate to Reconciliation? 

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)is the framework on which to build meaningful and lasting reconciliation. Bill C-15 – The United Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples Act was enacted into Canadian law on June 21, 2021, and Canada formally committed to working together with Indigenous Peoples to implement the declaration in a meaningful way.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)  identified 94 Calls to action in their final report. These Calls to action are detailed recommendations to help further reconciliation towards a renewed relationship with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

Call to Action # 57 calls upon all levels of government to ‘educate public servants’ on the history of Indigenous Peoples, their rights as per The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and the legacy of residential schools. The Act also responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action (#43 and #44) and the Calls for Justice derived from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls (MMIWG) Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place.

By promoting and participating in this event, you are providing support for this First Nations initiated grass roots movement.


What can I do to support the Moose Hide Campaign at work, at school or in my local community? Directly from the organizers....


It’s free and easy to invite your workplace to the Moose Hide Campaign. Here are ways you can show support and start conversations at work:

Wear and share the Moose Hide pin
Share the pin and start the conversations. Order them for free! (animal free versions also available)

Set up a campaign kiosk at work
Hosting a kiosk is a great way to raise awareness about the MHC and the issue of violence towards women and children. Find information and resources to support you.

Bring the Moose Hide Campaign Day to the office
Join the livestream of Campaign Day on May 11, 2023 and invite your workmates. Enjoy a day of ceremony, inspiring speakers and workshops focused on healing and change. It’s a wonderful opportunity to offer reconciliation-focused professional development! Register here.

Organize your own Moose Hide Campaign event
Host a #WalkToEndViolence with your team.  Challenge another department or company to join you and share the message even wider. Find information on how to implement a walk.

Encourage Your Company to Lead
We know that many Canadians care about erasing gender-based violence from Canadian society and are committed to reconciliation. We invite leaders from all sectors to partner with us and find ways to truly stand against violence. Reach out to start a conversation

Please reach out if you have any questions
We are here to support you as you stand up against gender-based and domestic violence and journey towards reconciliation. Or just reach out to let us know about your awesome initiatives – as a grassroots organization, we are always deeply honoured and encouraged to hear about organizations standing with us.

May 5

Our Women Are Sacred Walk

May 17

Artistic Collaboration: Pathway Toward Reconciliation